Tips For Wedding Photography


As we do not want this to happen to you, we have prepared a list of errors (but by way of advice, which we are very positive) so that you do not go around the world ruining lives, which is ugly. And become a true professional!

  1. The Wedding Does Not Begin With The Ceremony. Go Prepared!

Yes, they have summoned you on Sunday at noon, but do you know where the event is held? If there is adequate lighting? What is the program of the day? And, most importantly, do you know the couple?

You must know the couple very well. It is not about you becoming their best friend and going out for drinks every night with them, but it is about knowing what style they have and what they might like. Also, it is essential that you visit the different scenarios where the event will take place beforehand to be able to make a good work plan and that improvisation is the minimum possible as suggested by

  1. Take A Good Team. And A Good Assistant!

Once we have passed the first point, you must go well equipped. It all seems very obvious, but what differentiates a right professional from a novice is good preparation. Check the camera well so that everything is OK (and especially the flash, which can give surprises), take a spare camera (you never know) and a good tripod, check the memory card to make sure you have enough space and take another spare.

On the other hand, a single person can indeed make a wedding photo shoot with total success, but it is always good to bring an assistant to help you with the lighting.

  1. Take Enough Shots And From Different Angles

We think that it is better to shoot a single well thought out photo than 20 crazy photos. But the important thing about a wedding is not that you like the photo, but the bride and groom. For this reason, and since digital photography allows us to take as many photos as we want (and the memory card leaves us), why skimp? Change the angle, test, test and test; so you will have more material to choose from and make a good selection.